A Space for Business Leaders Who Embrace Doing Business Differently
The Edoc Blog
Two Surprising Truths When Working for a Purpose-Driven Company
Give away trust first, and an interesting thing will happen with those you lead.
How Your Remote Team Can Get Back to Purpose
We know purpose is critical. Here are ways to (re) commit to your purpose as an organization.
Are You a ‘Small Giant’ Entrepreneur?
Are you a values-driven company that could be a fit for the Small Giants community? Ask these questions to find out.
Taking the High Road
On the value of ethics within your company - and going open books with your business, too.
A Story of Disruption Innovation
We can look back on the story of Airbnb and see it was disruptive. But it’s also worth seeing how much grit it required.
How to be Great at Onboarding Remote Workers: What Employers and Employees Ought to Know
How you can be great at onboarding a new team member.
How Remote Leaders Can Avoid Getting Blindsided
How to avoid being blindsided as a leader.
Infographic: Why Join the Small Giants Community?
How Small Giants can help your small business.
Your Remote Guide to Coffee Shop Etiquette
What should you know about the behavior norms of conducting business at coffee shops or co-working spaces?
Your Culture Is by Design, Or By Default
Culture is created by intentional design and effort.
Trust the Staff?
The importance of emphasizing staff learning, minimizing compliance, trusting your staff, and giving people autonomy to do their jobs.