A Space for Business Leaders Who Embrace Doing Business Differently
The Edoc Blog
Become a Better Remote Leader, Today
Simple but powerful ways to become a more effective leader.
Time to Tear Down the Mission Statement Wall
Purpose drives the company, and it should be at the forefront, and integrated into the company DNA.
The “Team” Company Wins
Take down the walls internally and externally; allow teams to propel the company.
Why Sustainable Business Growth Starts with Culture
On the importance of forward-thinking leadership in today’s business environment.
The Mediocre State of Popularity
The idea you can be liked by everyone—and still make a positive difference—is naïve and leads to mediocrity.
From Entitlement to Entanglement
There is a better way for conducting business in this era; Authenticity is king now.
As Remote Leaders, We Have to Exercise Our Leadership Muscles Today
Those we lead must feel understood.
Culture: The Foundation for Extraordinary Growth
Takeaway lessons for remote workers from GrowCo14.
The Good Old Days of the Baby Boomer Work World
Work life is changing. There is a better way!
Going Virtual the Right Way Is About Mindset
So much about going virtual is about culture and mindset—rather than things like the technology or software you use.