Our Purpose

We at Edoc Service are transforming the business world through innovative services and authenticity.
• We do not accept the status quo; we do what works.
• We believe and demonstrate innovative thinking and practice.
• Our service and processes are “new school” (current and timely) not “old school.”
• Our clients share with us the Edoc Service culture.
• Our virtual structure allows service from anywhere to anywhere.
• We believe in outsourcing not off-shoring.
• We ramp up quickly.
Here’s a deeper look at what this means…
Through our shared values…
“through innovative business services…”
• We are a learning organization that is always improving our process for excellence.
• We are always open to new services consistent with the times and technology that fits our “hedgehog” (the core of our business, i.e. we are virtual).
• We focus on multiple service offerings.
“transforming the business world…”
“and authenticity…”
• We operate from defined principles (see below).
• We accept the Ethical Business Guide (see below).
• We staff for culture fit before skill.
• We operate in a team culture.
• The success of our individual staff members is as important as client and company success.
• We partner with clients and suppliers.
• We consider all staff trustworthy and operate accordingly.
• We have identified 7 critical elements for sales and marketing and conduct ourselves accordingly.

Nearly two decades ago, our founder/President Jim Mullaney formed an Ethical Business Committee through the local Rotary Club in Fairfield, Ohio. That committee developed and published an Ethical Business Guide—a small booklet that could be distributed to business owners and leaders across the nation.
Ethical Business
The purpose of that Ethical Business Guide is to show ethical business practices, promote ethical business behaviors, and to create pause when alternatives are present.
Ethical Business Guide

Operating Principles
With a culture built on trust, Edoc Service works to share its business model with other companies who want to break free from what we see as the status quo. These are companies of all sizes who see promise in allowing employees to work with a high degree of freedom and autonomy—all guided by our shared values (see above) and operating principles.
The Edoc staff is our most valuable asset. All staff is treated with respect, even between one another, with great care exercised to protect individual self-esteem.
The Edoc staff is afforded an atmosphere that is relaxed, fun, yet exciting. They have the opportunity to learn and grow within the organization, and they are expected to remain loyal to the organization and be a contributor to the Edoc Team.
The organization is to start and stay on a course of growth.
We “partner” with clients rather than engage as a vendor. We will deliver what we promise and not promise what we cannot deliver. We expect the same level of service from our suppliers.
We are a “continuous improvement” organization. We capture learning’s from successes and from failures. Successes are celebrated and failures stand without blame. Systems are implemented or improved to build on successes and avoid repeat failures.
All Edoc staff is considered trustworthy and will be involved in company planning and goal setting.
The company is continually seeking technology that improves communication among clients and staff in a virtual environment. Our goal is to become a “model” company in the virtual business community.
We are unselfish with regard to client servicing. Client needs and objectives take precedence over our own. Our focus is on the success of our clients.
The assets of the organization are to be kept at minimum risk.

Operating Guidelines
Expectations for clients we partner with.
Clients are provided immediate service from Edoc Service.
Edoc will institute clear communication with clients to ensure proper understanding of engagement details and expectations. This communication will be in writing.
Clients receive frequent status updates.
New clients will be brought on board with the following criteria:
There is a high degree of confidence we will succeed on their behalf
We have adequate staff to accommodate them
They are willing to partner with us vs. a vendor relationship
They are looking for a long-term relationship
They are operating an ethical business
Frequent back-ups are made on all “work-in-progress” projects. Archives are backed-up and protected; anti virus protection is in place throughout the organization. Critical & sensitive company files are to be stored on the company server (QNap), non-critical files in company drop box and no company files are to be kept on individual computer hard drives.
Social media (business & personal) is to be handled responsibly avoiding embarrassment or harm to the company, themselves or other individuals.