Empowering the Empowered

As long as we are on the topic of teams and as an entrepreneur I find myself a team leader on several fronts. There is my company team of managers, the local Ethical Business Committee I chair, plus preside over a non-profit corporation.

Most if not all entrepreneurs want winning teams and seek the best and the brightest. The challenge is how to direct and lead a group of over-achievers? How do you empower the empowered? Over-achievers are smart, leaders in their own right and as such they know when to lead and when to follow plus come to the table armed with skills and talent.

Credibility Matters
There is no room for duplicity, deception or artificial arguments here. The OA team expects the leader to be genuine and therefore character-driven. Everyone on the team means what they say and says what they mean so the leader better be prepared to do the same. They will tell the truth for there is neither room nor time for “political correctness”.

Impatience Rules!
Over-Achievers are not a patient lot. They must see progress or they will make it happen themselves (in spite of the leader) and if that is not possible they won’t stick around. One can’t lead this band by position; the individual team members must have empowerment and autonomy and the leader must be part of the team leading by example. Forget rewards or recognitions, real results are the only motivators.

If you are fortunate with a team or teams of over-achievers as I am count your blessings, stand tall and grow thick skin!

Jim Mullaney

President/CEO of Edoc Service, Inc.


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