Are You Cultivating a Safe Work Environment?

When you think of a safe work environment most likely the first thing that comes to mind is “workplace safety”.

Well, I want to talk about the real “elephant in the room” when it comes to a safe work environment. Do your employees feel they have a safe place to work in? This is the key to a healthy culture.

Here are ten questions for the staff to answer to find the pulse:

  1. Am I being encouraged by those above me or criticized frequently? Is my boss a “people builder” or a “people shrinker”?

  2. Am I learning on this job and gaining valuable skills or forced into a routine?

  3. Is there an opportunity for growth and advancement? Is the company growing or stagnant? Are promotions fair based on merit or personal preferences, family or friendships?

  4. What happens if I make a mistake? Is it accepted as a learning experience or likely discipline and termination?

  5. What is the trust factor? Is it clear that we are not to lie to or for each other?

  6. Am I being told the truth, spin, or lies?

  7. How stable is the company? Are we innovative and growing or are we stagnant or taking unnecessary risks? Is the company stable financially?

  8. Am I empowered to make decisions and able to use my natural abilities or am I forced to do a job I am not good at?

  9. Does the company foster an ethical culture?

  10. Does the company foster a team culture?

Jim Mullaney

President/CEO of Edoc Service, Inc.


In My Time Also


Empowering the Empowered