This Stand-Out Edoc Service Transcriptionist Explains Why You Don’t Have to ‘Defer Living’

We like to say that remote working is great because you don’t have to “defer living” to a later point in life.

Instead, with the flexibility of remote work, many times you have the opportunity to pursue dreams and activities—like travel—sooner rather than later.

Kim Evans, Quality Assurance and transcriptionist for Edoc Service, agrees, saying she enjoys taking time to camp and kayak, and spending any kind of quality time, in general­, with her family, in part, thanks to a flexible work set up. “We are a camping and kayaking loving family. Any free time we have during the summers is spent at our camp on Kibbe Island by the beautiful Allegheny River. We’ve been doing this since our children were 12, 5, and 1 years old, now 28, 21, and 17 years old!” says Kim.

“We are now teaching our 4-year-old granddaughter to also enjoy the outdoor life. She’s catching on quite nicely,” she adds.

Keep reading to learn more about Kim’s top tips to help anyone thrive in a remote work environment and why she embraces a “non-traditional” 9-5 office job.

Q: Remote work often allows you to be more flexible in your approach to work. With that said, are you more of a morning person or evening person?

I am not particularly a morning person, preferring to start working around mid-morning, 9 a.m. or so! I sometimes wish I could turn this around, but I suppose this is just me and I don’t think there is much chance of changing this at 52 years old now!

Q: Do you have any kind of morning routine?

After my youngest is out the door for school, his junior year in high school, I like to enjoy a cup of coffee and catch about a half hour of the “Today Show” before my shower and then I’m off to work, which is in my 2nd floor office filled with my children’s “art work” since grade school adorning my walls .

Some days, especially if it’s nice and sunny, my sister and I will get a quick morning walk in on our downtown bridges, we have a group of 3 that make a big circle around town; 1 loop is 1 mile, we like to shoot for 3. I always feel very energized and accomplished when we can fit this in!

Q: Knowing how successful you are at remote working, do you have any tips for others who may just be starting in a remote role?

I think one of the most important things about working remotely is learning to separate your home life from your work life.

I try to set hours and stick to them as best I can, especially on days where I know there are other important things happening that need attention, doctor appointments, baseball games, or school programs.

Quick breaks from work are generally reserved for a load of laundry or a clean sweep of the countertops, because let’s face it, the house still needs some attention too!

Q: That’s a good point, as remote work allows you to take breaks as needed, which people can forget about. What do you enjoy about your role right now with Edoc Service?

I love everyone I work with. Edoc Service just has the friendliest group of people to work with and always so very helpful. I found that from the very start of my work career with Edoc Service. I love the flexibility Edoc Service offers, allowing me to be financially secure and also able to enjoy my family and do things for them that I might not be able to do with your typical 9-5 in-office job.

Q: Do you have any favorite vacation spots?

Aside from camping, our favorite vacation spot is definitely the Outerbanks! I love that we all can put aside an entire week of work and school and just spend this time reconnecting.

We enjoy picking a different beach house and location in the Outerbanks every time we go and picking a different activity, whether it be a dolphin watch, an outback tour or just a game of miniature golf on one of the many beautiful courses they have to offer.

Q: Do you have any favorite books you’d recommend to others?

I don’t necessarily have a favorite book, but my favorite authors are Danielle Steele—who doesn’t love a good sappy love story—Stephen King (have probably read them all), and Dean Koontz, kind of a strange mix. I also have always enjoyed the Laura Ingalls Wilder series of books, and still will pull one out occasionally and re-read. I’m always saying I was meant to be born in the 1800s!


This Is Still Different Remote Work, Even If We’ve Been Doing It for 23 Years


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