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The Good Old Days of the Baby Boomer Work World

Yes, those were the days! They were the days we hit the ground running. We couldn’t wait to get to work because we believed we were adding real significance to company worth. We were in control; we were managers. We controlled our direct reports and when they came up short of our expectations we issued warnings and other nefarious discipline. There was a lot of time spent in the Human Resource Director’s office sorting out those issues.

We managers were not exempt however. It was all about “Management by Objectives” and as long as those objectives were met, life was good. When the objectives slipped, we often found ourselves on the other end of the write-ups. We would also be isolated from the winning departments because why would any decent manager want to be associated with a loser? To get back on track, we perpetrated the pounding down the line with our staff. That was how things worked and that is how business was accomplished. We had to. There are 76 million of us competing for positions and those of us fortunate enough to be part of the management elite were proud to be there and willing to do whatever it takes to stay there.

50 hours each week was expected and yet most of us worked 60 or more. Managers don’t call off. In my 23 years in the corporate world, I doubt if I called off 5 days. We were martyrs. Life was about work.

The infrastructure was sound as well. We were governed by:

  • Wage scales – we made sure there was wage assignments yet never dared to share salaries with the staff.

  • Sick leave and vacation policies – it was a privilege to get up to 4 or 5 weeks’ vacation entitlement but who had time to take it?

  • Dress code – “Dress for Success” was paramount. We wore suits! Those were the days.

  • Performance reviews – we did them and we got them. The emphasis was on how to improve our weaknesses.

  • Diversity – the world is changing after all and we have to show the world we care!

  • Keeping company secrets in tact – After all, “Loose lips sink ships” so let’s not tell the staff any more than they need to know.

  • The company benefits package – designed to keep the staff tethered. After all we don’t want good people to ever leave and heaven forbid someone consider going to a competitor.

Those days are past and work life is changing. There is a better way! It is no longer about life at work; it’s about having a better life. Let’s keep learning.