Meet the Edoc Team: Introducing Our Transcriptionists (Part 1)

It’s no secret that we have rockstar transcriptionists at Edoc. They are true professionals and have an attention to detail that’s enviable!

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring some of our transcriptionists. They’ll be sharing where they are located, what they enjoy about remote work, and a few tips and tricks they’ve learned while working remotely.

We feel truly grateful for our stellar transcriptionists, and this gives you just a glimpse of our hard-working team members. 

Cheryl Longshore

Q: Where are you located?

Cheryl: I live in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, near Hilton Head Island, a very beautiful area with lots of wildlife.

Q; How long have you been a transcriptionist?

Cheryl: I’ve been an MT for 23 years and love working at home so I can be with my dogs.

Q: What do you enjoy about working from home/working remote – and do you have any advice to someone just starting out in a remote role?

Cheryl: I’ve found it helpful to set up my desk so that I can look out the window while I’m working, soak in a little sun and watch the birds and other critters.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Cheryl: When I’m not working, I love to paint with acrylics. I’m always browsing photos and Pinterest for inspiration. I wish I’d found Edoc much sooner!

Megan Calhoun

Q: Where are you located?

Megan: Southern Oregon Coast.

Q: How long have you been a transcriptionist?

Megan: I’ve been a MT for 18 years! I started at Edoc in September 2016.

Q: How did you become a medical transcriptionist?

Megan: I’d been working in the family construction business, but wanted to brush up my office computer skills. I saw medical transcription at the community college and thought it would be interesting (ER with George Clooney had just come out, haha), plus it covered all the same computer classes. I learned how to automate most of our office paperwork, so then decided to officially become a medical transcriptionist. I nabbed my 1st job in a large hospital because I had recent training in Microsoft Word, but have worked remotely since 2000.

Q: What do you like/enjoy about working from home/remotely?

Megan: Remote isn’t just working from home…it’s incredible to be able to travel and still keep paying the bills.

Q: What’s your advice to someone just starting out in a remote role?

Megan: I suggest setting office hours and sticking to them, just like you’re working at a professional office or hospital. Close your office door. Make it clear you’re held accountable for getting work done or you’ll have family and friends always trying to visit or get you to do things for them.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Megan: Walking on the beach with my 2 Corgi dogs is about the best thing ever.

Q: Are there any apps, gadgets, tech or tools you can’t live without?

Megan: I start early, so I guess I’d say my French coffee press!

Brenda Postl

Q: Where are you located?

Brenda: I am in Warren, Michigan (suburb just outside of Detroit).

Q: How long have you been a transcriptionist?

Brenda: I have been transcribing for 21 years, with Edoc since August 2016.

Q: How did you become a medical transcriptionist?

Brenda: I worked in medical billing and a friend of mine thought I would enjoy it and be good at it, she was right! She referred me for on the job training with her company and I loved it, so I stuck with it.

Q: What do you enjoy about working from home/remotely?

Brenda: When my kids were very young I was able to attend all the school field trips, functions, and if they were sick did not have to worry about calling off of work. Now that they are older, I would say not having to drive in the horrible traffic we have here!

Q: What’s your advice to someone just starting out in a remote role? Any tips or tricks?

Brenda: What works for me as far as breaks go is that I watch my line count and try to be a certain number at a certain time of day. It has improved my line count doing this and stay off of social media and the phone while working, keep your phone in another room if possible. Get up and stretch through the day, too many hours sitting and looking at a screen is bad for the eyes and body.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Brenda: Gardening, spending time with family, reading, walking

Q: Are there any apps, gadgets, tech or tools you can’t live without?

Brenda: Apple ear buds, by far the best for noise reduction and clear sound (especially good if you have teenagers running around the house, as they have no volume control!) They are the best I have found over the years!

Edoc Service: Offering You High Quality Transcription & Closed Captioning

Reach out if you’re interested in learning more about our transcription services.


Meet the Edoc Team: Introducing Our Transcriptionists (Part 2)


Planning for the Future: It’s a Conscious Effort