A Better Way to Hire?


Hey lets be sure we hire the right person! In order to do that we have to put them through the riggers:

  • Get as many resumes possible and toss all but the ones that look good. Be sure to select only local candidates and not deal with relocation issues. No need to respond to the ones we toss, they’re used to not hearing anything.

  • Now let’s contact the ones who made the initial cut and be sure they are serious about joining the company

  • Next let’s make sure we are not putting “round pegs in square holes” and test them. We want to run psychological tests to be sure they fit in. Who cares if we are now learning more of their proclivities than even their own family by digging deep? After all aren’t they spending more time with us than even their own family?

  • Okay, so far a few have passed the initial tests. Let’s eliminate the “weak links” and who is better to judge this than the Human Resource Director and HR staff? Let’s conduct one-on-one interviews to find out what they are really like? The ones HR likes (and only those) are passed on to the departments to interview. Be careful however, not to make them think they have the job, be sure to stay in control and make them feel secondary.

  • A polite rejection letter is appropriate to those who did not get the final offer.

  • Now let’s hope the “chosen one” succeeds

Welcome to the world of corporate recruiting. Smarter companies may even use professional recruiting firms to take care of the nasty elements above. Woe to the unemployed professionals trying to get back on their feet! Going through the process is humiliating and more painful than being unemployed.

Yes, there is a better way.

First, let’s answer some questions:

  1. What is our company culture?

  2. Are we hiring for a culture fit or skill?

  3. Are we concerned about the “quality of life” of the staff or just “quality of life at work”?

  4. What about the work itself? It is interesting and engaging or is it “just a job” that must be done?

  5. How about trust issues? Are people to be trusted, or must we implement controls to insure everyone stays in line?

  6. Are we concerned about compliance issues and worry about getting sued? Are we relying on our attorney for proper work protocol? (Read Disturbing Scenarios)

  7. Are we open to working with teams or do we need to keep the staff under the rule of managers?

The answers to these questions will determine the quality of your company and the life of those who work there. It is a sad fact of life (in the business world) that most workers hate their jobs!

Do you want a better life for your workers and a better company? Let’s talk.

Jim Mullaney

President/CEO of Edoc Service, Inc.


It Takes a (Remote) Village


Profit or Purpose? You Decide