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Swimming Against the Tide

We began business 20 years ago and started off pretty much on the right foot culture-wise. We began as a totally remote organization (rarity 20 years ago) for Edoc staff to attain a good quality of life with a career.

Here’s the rub – The business world doesn’t always like it!

Consider the willing and the Nabobs:

Becoming Debt-Free

Business owners, office managers and CPAs love it! Bankers hate it; they want to own our soul.

Open Book Accounting

Business owners and staff love it because workers are (rightfully) treated as partners and are fully engaged. Some CPAs hate it because they want to own the numbers and numbers strategy.

Positive Staff Culture

CEOs and staff love it for the same reason as above. Controlling HR Managers, Government compliance agencies, labor unions and attorneys hate it. These folks thrive on discourse.

Pro-Client Culture

Clients love it for the service-driven management and stay loyal. CEOs and staff love the praise and loyalty. Old-school consultants and competitors hate it because they think they are smarter.

Pro-Supplier Culture

Suppliers enjoy the opportunity to help build your business with this trust and loyalty. Supplier competitors hate it because they think they can win on price.

Ethical Business Culture

Staff and CEOs love it knowing they are functioning in a safe and moral environment. Less value-driven businesses and some attorneys hate it because they believe the win comes from legal compliance along with command and control.

Employee Autonomy and Empowerment

Employees love it and respond with high quality productivity. Unlimited vacation and flexible work schedules give them a good life. HR Consultants and less forward-thinking leaders prefer workers under their control encouraging turnover for “fresh blood”. (It is noteworthy to mention that not all workers function well in a free, self-managing environment.)

Well, there it is. Are you willing to bring a positive culture to your company and push back against the world? We have, and wouldn’t change for all the tea in China!