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How Your Remote Team Can Get Back to Purpose

Getting Back to Purpose

If your company hasn’t “taken a stand” and found it’s true purpose, or if you’ve just strayed from it, it’s not too late to find that purpose.

In so many ways, companies are like people; sometimes finding purpose takes time, but it’s still valid no matter when this kind of “maturity” happens.

Here are three tips to get started as you look for people who will be a cultural fit and who will be aligned with your purpose:

Commit to your purpose in writing.
If you haven’t already, consider capturing your actual values and/or principles together as a team. When you come together as a team, write down the culture values and how that relates to some of the principles you have. Having a somewhat formal document to frame these values can help remind you where you have been, and where you would like to be—which helps you identify people who are a fit for the company.

Ask the question.
Once your team has worked on and decided on the values that drive your purpose, look for people who also have these values. While it may seem overly simplistic, ask them what they think of your purpose. Consider printing off your purpose and principles and sharing that document with a potential hire, and see if anything resonates with them. Authenticity can shine through (even with someone who is shy or soft-spoken), when it comes to something people value.

Start celebrating.
Consider the touch points that your employees, partners and even customers have with your company. Specifically, take time to see how you can use those interactions to share and celebrate your culture.

For us, we share it with our partners and customers before doing business. We also have it on our website home page. We also have our purpose on our business cards, which means it can serve as a conversation starter for us. Even though these may seem like small touch points, they help us celebrate our culture and attract the “right” kind of people to work alongside.