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Has Your Compliance Caught Up?

The hybrid workforce is the new work culture today. In fact: the majority of workplaces are now hybrid, according to Gallup. Just as the workforce has shifted, compliance requirements also need to catch up, too. 

So here we are, out of the gate, and leading the charge for changing how compliance posters are viewed. 

ePoster is a significantly upgraded experience from our prior Digital Labor Law platform—and it meets the workforce where it’s at today, whether that is on-site, hybrid, or totally virtual. ePoster includes the following: 

  1. A widget Integration (for your website, intranet, etc.) showcasing compliance postings  

  2. Email sign-off capability to show employees have viewed the posters

  3. Customized digital display (in beta) for use in your workspace 

Are you ready for a more modern way to do compliance? Stay tuned for more updates on all our divisions, and on ePoster specifically.